ENA Future Networks Forum: Innovation Forum

Registrations are open

Date: 12-13 November

Where: Central Wellington at the Wharewaka Function Centre. There is also the option to attend this event online via Teams.

Register here for the Innovation ForumAfter completing the form, we'll send you a calendar invitation. 

As soon as the agenda is finalised, more details will be added to the sessions below.  

Agenda for day one: 12 November 

On day 1, EDB representatives will have a kōrero with a number of external stakeholders to share challenges and priorities for change in the sector. Following this, there will be a social catchup in the evening.

Date:          Tuesday 12 November 2024

Time:          9:30 - 16:30 (followed by a social get-together) 

Place:         Te Wharewaka o Poneke function centre in Wellington - Te Puni room


Time Title Speaker 


Registration, tea, coffee, biscuits


10:00 – 10:30 

Opening karakia and welcome from the FNF Co-Chairs plus update on FNF progress [30m]


FNF Co-Chairs

James Tipping 

GM Market Strategy & Regulation, Vector 


Sam Elder 

GM Energy Futures, Orion 

10:30  10:45

ENA update [15m]

Richard Le Gros

Policy & Innovation Manager, ENA

10:45 – 11:45 

ENA Australia 'The Time is Now' report [60m]

ENA’s The Time is Now report explores the opportunities on the distribution grid that can be unlocked now to deliver benefits to customers and secure climate targets. Based on comprehensive customer energy wallet modelling, the report identifies the most impactful opportunities and outlines a targeted pathway to implementation. 

Energy Networks Australia



Jeff Forrest

Partner, L.E.K. Consulting


Tim McGrath

Partner, L.E.K. Consulting


11:45 - 12:25 

Transpower SO – presentation [40m] 


12:25 - 13:10

Lunch [45m]


13:10 – 14:30 

Innovation and non-traditional solutions [1hr20m]

Ben Woodham

Electricity Distribution Manager, Commerce Commission 


Mark Herring

GM Corporate and Market Services, Electricity Authority

14:30 - 14:35

Short stretch break [5m]  
14:35 – 16:15 

Customer panel [40m presentations and 60m panel]

Mairin Gallagher (facilitator)

Customer Experience Manager, Unison


Gareth Cartwright

Executive Officer, Community Energy Network


Trent Tscheuschler

Utility Scale Solar (USS) Technical Programme Manager, Sustainable Energy Association of New Zealand (SEANZ)


Jeremy Levy

Innovation Specialist, Mercury


Eric Pyle

Director, Public Affairs and Policy, SolarZero

16:15 - 16.30

Wrap-up and closing karakia from the FNF Co-Chairs [15m]

James Tipping 

GM Market Strategy & Regulation, Vector 


Sam Elder 

GM Energy Futures, Orion 

16:30 onwards  

Event close and social catch-up at Shed 22 in Central Wellington


Organisations in attendance for day one: 

  • Electricity distribution businesses  
  • Electricity Networks Aotearoa  
  • Electricity Engineers’ Association  
  • Transpower 
  • Electricity Authority  
  • Commerce Commission 
  • Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority  
  • Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment 
  • Ara Ake


Agenda for day two: 13 November 

On Day 2, attendees from EDBs will participate in workshops for FNF projects, focusing on building shared capability and alignment within the sector. 


Date:          Wednesday 13 November 2024

Time:          08:30 – 14:10

Place:          Te Wharewaka o Poneke function centre in Wellington - Te Puni room


Time Title Speaker 

08:30 – 08:50




Opening karakia and welcome from the FNF Co-Chairs [15m]

FNF Co-Chairs

James Tipping 

GM Market Strategy & Regulation, Vector 


Sam Elder 

GM Energy Futures, Orion 

9:05 – 9:35

FNF communities of practice [30m]


9:35 – 10:35

ENA UK: how they encourage innovation between EDBs and others [60m]

Lawrence Slade

Chief Executive, Energy Networks Association (UK)

10:30 – 10:00

Morning tea [25m]


11:00  12:00 

Roles and Functions to Enable Distributed Flexibility: workshop [60m] 


12:00 - 12:30

Connections Journey Mapping: project update and check in [30m] 



12:30 - 12:50

Network Transformation Roadmap update [20m] 


12:50  13:10 

Wrap-up and closing karakia from the FNF Co-Chairs [20m]

FNF Co-Chairs 

13:10 14:10




Organisations in attendance for day two: 

  • Electricity distribution businesses 
  • Electricity Engineers’ Association  
  • Transpower